
Yafe Seeds Productions

Quality assurance

Yafe Seeds Production has a Quality Management System in compliance with the GSPP protocol and subjected to the seed companies requirements while working according to the Israeli legislation and the PPIS regulations.

The QMS consists of Quality Policy declaration, procedures & Work instructions comply under the GSPP standard and its annexes.

`Yafe Seeds Production is obligated to conduct the seed production according to the GSPP principles and requirements and in addition to the Seed Companies requirements, in order to produce healthy seeds.

Yafe Seeds Production

We will promote the quality management aspects and allocate resources, quality management involvement and control with the obligation to fulfill the customer needs and requirements originate from GSPP principles.

Yafe Seeds Production considers the human resource as a major element to achieve his goals and implement his obligation to the customer. 

Employee’s skills and competency are the grower first priority in order to achieve quality goals and the customer needs. The employees will not be subjected to commercial, economic or other pressure.

We are promoting organizational environment depends on professionalism and excellence, keeping safety, health and the environment subjected to the Seed companies HSE principles.